POLIS JOHOR E-ALERTS APP is a smart phone application that allows people to report all incidents to the police with more simple and fastest way. This application users can take pictures and just need to fill five fields, available information will directly send to IPK Johor.

Wiseyes Solution


Project Details:
E-Alerts is a smart phone application that allows people to report all incidents to the police with more simple and fastest way. This application users can take pictures and just need to fill five fields, available information will directly send to IPK Johor.

Positioning accuracy of events can be received by the police with the GPS function.
IPK Media Center will receive all complaints and reports, through the screening
process all complaints and reports received will be publish on the Web portal and
taken into action and users will receive information directly to their mobile phones.

E-Alerts serves as a platform for the public to inform or tip-off the police on any criminal or suspicious activities. Informants can notify the police by including photos and vital information on the required fields. The police will then screen and filter the information and take further actions accordingly, sending notification to the informants as well.

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